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 Retrofitting Battery Storage

If you have already installed solar panels, you are familiar with the benefits of producing clean, renewable energy. By retrofitting battery storage and upgrading the inverter, you take your existing solar energy system to the next level. This enhancement involves integrating battery storage capabilities, allowing you to store surplus solar energy for later use, and replacing the current inverter with a more advanced and efficient model. We can carryout a performance estimate to see if battery storage is cost effective.

Battery Storage with Solar Panels

Battery storage complements a solar installation by enabling the capture and storage of excess solar energy for later use. When combined with solar panels, battery storage systems offer numerous benefits that enhance the efficiency and reliability of a solar energy setup.

With battery storage, homeowners and businesses can store surplus solar energy during sunny periods. This stored energy can be used during cloudy days, at night, or during peak demand periods, reducing reliance on the grid and providing greater energy independence.

Solar panels often generate more electricity than what is immediately needed and therefore, excess electricity is exported back to the grid at a reduced rate. Battery storage allows you to capture this excess energy making the most of your solar investment.

Battery storage systems are scalable and can be expanded as the need for more storage capacity grows This future-proofs the solar energy setup and ensures it remains relevant over time.